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This software can be used and distributed free always making reference to the author.
What is USBUtil?
- USButil is a tool to create and manipulate games which can be played with USBExtreme or USBAdvance on Playstation 2.
How and Where you can use USBUtil?
- This software runs on Windows and can be executed from any folder or root, flash memory or external hard-drive. The already concerted games can be copied or saved in any destination with enough capacity. You can also create games for any platform using ISOs or game backups (this option concerns the possibility of keeping the biggest amount of compatibility, due to with USBExtreme directly from disc some games are imposible to run but they from ISO they do, that option will make us to save the time we spent converting the game two times). USBUtils allows to convert several ISO(s) into games at consecutively, and next options as well: Copy, Move, Convert into ISO and Erase can be used on several games.
What does USBUtil need to work?
The software needs to work the game files already created with the configuration file( ul.cfg), or the creation of a new one across the ISO(s) or backup of our game cd/dvds .
File Options
-While opening the Menu in File, the FIRST option is Open Games, this option allows to open a game configuration ( ul.cfg), in which all the game information is contained installed inside the selected root or directory, shown in the same USButil window. For details check imagens 1 and 3.
-The SECOND option is Open ISO to Create game, it allows several ISO(s) at the same time, the games will be created from an origin to a destination, inside that destination can already exist games or not, if they already exist, the new games will be added to the list; if not, they will be created; if the list where the already created or copied games is being used (Memory) it will be updated automatically. Inside destination window there are two important indicators, one is Games, which can be Yes/No depending on the existence of games inside destination.. The other indicator is Destination Space which indicates the availabity of space inside destination, USBUtil indicates automatically the availabity of space inside destination, if there is not enough space the user will be informed. The old option of choosing Way is now automated and is realized across the size, if the size is 700 mb or lower it will be treated as CD, if it is more than 700mb, DVD; in fact this option is not important to execute a game, it can be variated as you wish, USBUtil detects if it will be indicated as CD, creating a mark with the symbol * in the Indicated Media. For details check image 2 and forward
Image 1 (Open Games option), we just search for the ul.cfg file, select it and press Load button
Note: in every directory window a button with the Act letter exists, same is used to upgrade the units, directories and files, without exit the software.
Imagen 2 (Open ISO option to Create Game): check the mentioned indicators, after search and select an ISO file press create.
-The THIRD option is Close ul.cfg, to close and free the memory list, with this option you can reset all the software buttons and in the menu only the next options can be used: Open (Open Game, Open ISO to create game and Exit), in Tools (Recover game), Help (all options).
-FOURTH and last option Exit, it allows to exit USBUtil, inside this option and the precedent one there is no need to save any change, just because the software automatically upgrades all the changes made in ul.cfg y ul-old.cfg, in the moment the action is done.
Image 3 (Screen of USBUtil with a game list already loaded in memory), check also all the information given for each game, this version was completed with extra fast information, which is shown clicking on the name of the game of the list.
Tools Options
- The FIRST and only free action for Tools at the beginning is Recover games, due to the importance of it we will explain all the useful points.
Image 4 (Game Recovering window). Check the indicator.
When clicking on it a window will pop up (check image 4), in which the unit and directory are shown to pick for the recovery action, a Yes/No indicator will tell if a game can be recover or not.
If the indicator says Yes, next step for recovery will be accessible, all this process runs fast, but the analysis inside it is a little bit more complicated. We will explain some cases to have an idea of the obtained result.
Something about the file format for USBExtreme.
- You have to know that each game (all its pieces) is encoded with the name of it and a unique CRC code is generated, which is located in each separated piece of the game, each piece has the size of 1 Gb, also the name of the region and the piece is added to the CFC (example SLUS_202.38), plus the number or ul.19CD2568.SLUS_202.38.00, depending on the number of pieces and the size of the game.
Every time USBUtil has to recover a game, it must generate a name and its CRC, it must be also unique inside the file directory where the game will be recovered.
We have to make this clear because the software sometimes skip the sequence of recovered games GAME1, GAME2,Â…, GAME$, GAME5 and we cant figure out why this happens, its only with the GAME3 name, it was already encoded and it exist already inside the directory.
This game name will be renamed lately with other name, staying this name free for a new game, which lately in the next recovery will appear for sure.
What does USBUtil do when the configuration files ul.cfg y ul-old.cfg get lost?
USBUtil will recover all the games entirely, but these games must be completed 100%, (no pieces missing). The incomplete games will not be recovered and in order to obtain them a re-installation will be required. Keep an eye on the games the software mark as in bad conditions, and status, region and/or code appear inside the brackets [] some points, this is indicating the user that the game can not be recovered and the point is saying which part is missing. For sure you can restore the space or just erase it. The recovered games be run by Playstation, to recognize their real names, but the easiest way is to reinstall them all again.
On the opposite, if an ul-olg.cfg exist while the recovering moment everything changes, because across it all the ul.cfg can be recovered, or at least a part of itself, and these recovered games will have their old names.
Silahkan anda download Gratis, Pelajari dan jadikan sesuatu berguna dan bermanfaat untuk semua orang :
File Type: zip USBUtil ver 1.02 (English Pack).zip
File Type: zip USBUtil ver 1.02 Paquete (Español).zip
File Type: rar USBUtil v2.00 Beta (Espan_âol).rar
File Type: rar USBUtil 2.0_full_Español.rar
File Type: rar USBUtil v2.00 Full [English version].rar
File Type: zip Tutorial USBUtil
File Type: rar USBUtil v2.1 Ultimate (Español).rar
File Type: rar USBUtil v2.1 Ultimate Rev 1.1, mayo 2010.rar
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